“Verdensfrelserinderne”, by Madame Nielsen.
Madame Nielsen is the current alias of Danish actor/actress, performance artist, singer and author Claus Beck-Nielsen (Aalborg, 1963), who stopped using his real name in 2001. Last May, in the Danish city of Aarhus, s/he premiered his/her new musical theatre show, Verdensfrelserinden (“The Saviour of the World” in Danish), a provocative play that advocates a state of permanent confinement as a formula for eliminating the climate catastrophe to which we are condemned by our way of life. The show featured live music by the Swedish-Danish string quartet Halvcirkel and was directed on stage by Christian Lollike, and this past Friday the album that condenses this kind of chamber opera, in the style of the works of the tandem formed by Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill, was released on all digital platforms.