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Canadian composer Sarah Davachi publishes “Long Gradus. Arrangements”, originally composed for the Bozzini Quartet.

You can now read on the Rockdelux website my review of Long Gradus. Arrangements, the four-CD box set (and four and a half hours of music) of compositions for four different types of acoustic instrument ensembles that the Iranian-born Canadian composer Sarah Davachi composed between 2019 and 2021 during her stay in the Composer’s Kitchen residency programme that the Bozzini quartet has been organising since 2005. In addition to the original version for string quartet (the one performed by Quatuor Bozzini itself) there are three arrangements of the same piece for woodwind instruments (by Rebecca Lane and Sam Dunscombe, two of the members of the Harmonic Space Orchestra), brass and organ (for Rage Thormbones, the trombone duo of German Weston Olencki and Californian Mattie Barbier), and choir and electronics (by Davachi herself and mezzo-soprano Judith Berkson).