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The Italian label Blue Spiral Records releases ‘Infinito’, the new album by Dutch minimalist pianist and composer Jeroen Elfferich.

The Dutch composer Jeroen Elfferich (Delft, 1965) studied percussion at the Rotterdam Conservatory and played in his youth in several pop and jazz bands (most notably the Elfferich Four, a band he formed in the early 1990s, now disbanded). In 2011, he started a new strand in his creation, focusing strictly on minimalist music, mainly for two pianos, in duo with Bulgarian pianist Ivan Pavlov or with the also Dutch pianist Nico Moll. ‘Strictly’ means exactly that: it is not neoclassical, nor is it postminimalist, it is purely minimalist, using very few notes, but a lot of repetitions and interwoven rhythms. From his training as a percussionist he has a notable fondness for an emphasis on rhythms in different time signatures. Infinito, released on the Italian label Blue Spiral Records, is his most recent album, in which the influence of the Dutch minimalist trend led by the composer Simeon ten Holt stands out.